
Friday, February 11, 2011

The struggle

Today my heart is broken and the cold slips through the cracks
Like sand pouring through my fingers it feels like my sanity is slipping away from me.
Today I'm battling depression and with God's help
I will win!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Noah's lot or mine?

I went to the Bodensee with Willie (who had the afternoon off) and the two dogs.  He took Cody, the cute black dog from my previous post, and I took Noah.  It was really lovely to look at the geese on the water and to watch the dogs play with other dogs in the park.  Noah took it nice and slow, being an old man and all. He stopped every so often to sniff at the various scents. He's quite a honey.
Noah (an oupa now) is tired after playing.
When the dogs were tired (Noah actually) we headed back to the house.

After a short rest Willie and I hopped onto bicycles and headed to Jumbo, which is a large hardware store a few kilometres away. I can't even remember the last time I rode a mountain bike so I had some trouble with the gears, yay fun... Being very unfit, I huffed and puffed all the way there and back! Above all that I had to remember that I need to keep to the right since the Swiss drive on that side of the road. Freaky!

Back at the house now, I'm relaxing after enjoying a piece of cake (Swiss roll but they don't call it that here..) and some decaff coffee.  LEKKER NĂȘ!

In Switzerland at last!

The town of Arbon

 Hey everyone

I finally made it to Switzerland! After a number of trips to the Swiss Embassy in Pretoria, postponing my flight and a lot of stressing, I finally got a Shengen Visa.  I flew with Swiss Airlines. The flight in economy class was comfortable but not enough to make you think you are in business class or something better. I got the feeling they wanted me to know I'm in economy class but then again it could all just be perceived on my part. Nevertheless I got here safely.

View from my room.
The photos you above are of the view from my room. I am staying at a friend's house in Arbon, a little town next to the Lake of Constance/Bodensee. Across the 'Bodensee', on a good day, one can see Germany and Austria. I hope to take a boat trip across sometime. There is snow on the mountains but as you can see it has cleared up in the town.

As I sit here I can hear the church bell ringing. It rings for quite some time at 11 o'clock daily. This usually sets the dogs to howling. Cody, my friend's dog, is next to me howling right now.
Cody begging for a treat from the breakfast table.

My friends have two dogs (Cody and Noah) and two cats (Michy and uhmm well I forget).  Michy (the cat) I have renamed 'Push-button-kitty' because everytime you touch her she makes a sound kind of like a toy does. She is very old.
Michy a.k.a. 'Push-button-kitty'

I haven't explored much yet as I'm shy of the cold or of getting one as I already have the sniffs.  I will let you know as soon as I have braved the wintery weather.

Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading!